Wednesday 26 June 2024

8th Global Fashion and Design Week Noida 2024: Third Show Captivates with Cultural Splendor


Noida: The 8th Global Fashion and Design Week Noida 2024 continued to dazzle audiences with its third show, celebrating the diverse cultural heritage of numerous countries. This event, hosted by Marwah Studios, has become a hallmark of international artistic and cultural exchange.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and the 8th GFWN, expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming international participation. “We are very fortunate to be associated with a large number of countries through their Embassies and High Commissions. A significant number of diplomats have recognized our efforts in showcasing their art and culture in India on a grand scale. These initiatives have fostered robust relations between these countries and India, enhancing business interactions and tourism,” he remarked.

The event was graced by esteemed dignitaries, including: Taku Hiroki, Senior Director of Research, JETRO, H.E. Choe Hui Chol, Ambassador, Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Dr. Leila Mostofi, Founder, Lillie Excellence Center from Iran, Rosa Dheyaa Milhim, Spouse of Deputy Head of the Mission, League of Arab States Mission

The highlight of the evening was a powerful range of garments inspired by global cultures, presented by talented designers from the AAFT School of Fashion and Design.

Nilisha: Garments influenced by Japanese culture, Leena, Ratna & Karisma: Creations inspired by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Shivangi Tiwari, Priyanshi, Laavanya, Mitali: Designs reflecting the essence of Ireland, Sakshi Tuteja, Shristi Sanskriti: Garments showcasing the vibrant culture of Ghana, Kukum Maurya: Clothing inspired by Cambodian traditions, Nikita: Garments representing the diverse culture of India, and Vani Garg: Designs influenced by Cuban culture.

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